Passion River films has announced the 2/2/16 library exclusive release of DIFRET. From executive producer
Angelina Jolie Pitt comes the award-winning drama DIFRET, based on the inspirational true story of a young Ethiopian girl and a tenacious lawyer embroiled in a life-or-death clash between cultural traditions and their country's advancement of equal rights.

When 14-year-old Hirut is abducted in her rural village’s tradition of kidnapping women for marriage, she fights back, accidentally killing her captor and intended husband. Local law demands a death sentence for Hirut, but Meaza, a tough and passionate lawyer from a women’s legal aide practice, steps in to fight forher. With both Hirut’s life and the future of the practice at stake, the two women must make their case for self-defense against one of Ethiopia’s oldest and most deeply-rooted traditions. DIFRET paints a portrait of a country in a time of great transformation and the brave individuals ready to help shape it.
Director: Zeresenay Berhane Mehari
Runtime: 99 min.
DVD UPC: 019962171611
Street: 2/2/16
SRP: $59.95
Available from Baker & Taylor A/V
GENRE: Narrative, Drama, Cultural Studies, Human Rights, Politics, Women & Gender Studies
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